I cannot transport you without coordinates... you must have forgotten to disable databank security by activating the three panels at the top of the elevator behind you.
#briefing 20
Well done. You have cleared out the majority of the pirates, and your actions have allowed me to access the Diablo's information system. I have the coordinates of the pirate home base. UESC headquarters has contacted me and asked me to pass on their congratulations and the news that you have earned your sergeant stripes. However, you must return alive from the pirates' home base in order to collect them...
Your mission is simple. Get to the pirate's home base, and make sure that they can never, ever commit these types of atrocities again. We will probably be out of contact, but there should be a UESC warship on its way, and they might be able to reach you once they've set up orbit around the base planetoid.
May your skill in battle see you safely until that point!